How to Clear Redis Cache?

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By admin

You may be trying to create a Redis database in memory for your application, but you can’t get it without clearing the keys first. Basically, it works as a database, as well as a message broker and cache, which is usually stored in memory. Additionally, Redis is a public-source data structure server licensed under a BSD license. Its fundamental data types are comparable to those used in programming languages, which are strings, hashes (or dictionaries). Other languages such as sets, and lists are also included. Additional data structures and capabilities for approximate counting and stream processing are also available. The program is written in C and has been optimized.

It offers some amazing features like in-built copiers, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions, and multiple levels of on-disk persistence. It also contains Redis Sentinel for greater availability and Redis Cluster for automated partitioning. These types provide discrete actions such as:

  • Pushing an entry to a list
  • Adding a value to a string
  • Computing sets intersection, union, and difference
  • Finding the highest-ranking element in a sorted set
  • Increasing a hash’s value

Redis’ different data structures are very similar to the native data structures programmers that are utilized frequently within apps and algorithms of the NoSQL databases. Because basic data structures are widely accessed between processes and services, it’s excellent for rapid development and speedy apps. Almost any programming language can be used with Redis. Redis also supports asynchronous replication with non-blocking synchronization during initialization and auto-reconnection with partial resynchronization during netsplit.

Advantages of Redis

Redis uses an in-memory dataset to attain excellent productivity. You can save your data by regularly dumping datesheets to disk. As an alternative, depending on your needs, you may also log each command in a disk-based log. You can turn off persistence if you need only a feature-rich, networked in-memory cache.

Redis is a non-relational database and cache server that is open-source and widely replicated. It operates by using a preset data model to map keys to data. The following are some of the advantages:

  • It can be helpful in situations where rapid data input is required while maintaining data integrity.
  • It can be helpful when properties such as high performance and replication are essential.
  • Sharding is a method with the ability to resist many concurrent write requests or transactions per second.
  • It contains additional features compared to other database systems.
  • Caching system based on mapped key-value pairs, similar to Memcached.
  • There are no hard-and-fast rules for establishing tight data schemas or tables (schemaless)
  • Multiple data models or kinds are supported.
  • It can be used with other databases to decrease load and enhance speed, or it can be used as the primary database. Is it okay to keep in mind that the demands of the individual generally determine this?


Redis data is stored in memory rather than on disc, as is the case with conventional databases. It provides Redis has an advantage over other storage systems, allowing it to be ultra-fast with low delay and great capacity. As a result, Redis may be utilized in both real-time and message queuing systems. Some other applications are:

1. Session Management

Session state is information about a user’s present engagement with an application, such as a web page or gaming. As the user is signed in, a typical web application retains a session for each connected user. Apps utilize session state to record user identification, login credentials, customization data, recent activities, shopping cart, and other details.

At each user interaction, session data must be read and written without degrading the user experience. It is the session state that enables a user or application to quickly respond to requests. In addition, it frequently responds to activities behind the processes. As a result, you don’t need to visit the main database while the user session is active.

When the user is disengaged, the session state life cycle comes to an end. Some information will be saved in the database for future usage, but transitory data will be deleted after the session.

Session state is comparable to a cache, but its read/write life cycles are distinct. When a user session begins, the session state can only be restored from the primary source of data, and it can only be persisted back to the source when the session has completed. The season state could be violated so that data can be deleted or preserved to disk storage.

2. Caching

Redis is an excellent solution for building a highly accessible in-memory cache to reduce data access latency, boost throughput, and relieve stress on your relational or NoSQL database and applications. Redis can deliver frequently requested things in milliseconds or less, and it allows you to scale for greater loads without expanding the more expensive backend. Redis caching is commonly used for database query responses caching, persistent session caching, web page caching, and caching of commonly used items, including pictures, documents, and information.

Here’s how to clear the Redis cache

The requisites are:

  • The most recent version of Redis
  • Accessibility to the Terminal Window or Command Line

Method 1: Use Redis-CLI Command to clear Redis Cache

The databases are stored independently in Redis. Keys should be removed from every database at once or from a single database using CLI commands. But remember, the database key cannot be recovered once it has been removed.

The CLI command is the simplest and fastest approach to clean the Redis cache.To clear cache using Redis-CLI, use the following syntax:

SYNTAX: redis-cli [number of the database] [option]


[option]: Clear all databases or any database in particular.

[database number]: Enter the database number you want to clear.

Disposing Keys in a Specific Database

You can also clean a single database, use the following command:

SYNTAX: Redis-CLI flushdb

If you run the ‘flushdb’ command with no parameters, the database you’ve chosen will be cleared.

You can use the -n arguments to specify a database by number.

SYNTAX: redis-cli -n [database number] flushdb

The Async function clears the keys in the background without causing the service to be obstructed. This function can be used with the -n option.

SYNTAX: redis-cli -n [database number] flushdb async

To remove all keys:

Using the following command to remove all keys from Redis databases:

SYNTAX: Redis-cli flushall

The ‘flushall’ command Removes all keys from all existing databases, not just the one the user is working with right now.

You may clear keys in the background in Redis 4.0.0 without affecting your server. It would help if you used the async argument in the syntax to make the process async.

SYNTAX: Redis-cli flushall async

Method 2: With Ansible, you may clear the Redis cache automatically

If you have a high number of servers, you won’t clean the Redis cache using the way described above. It’ll take a long time.

To speed up the procedure, you’ll need to automate it. Ansible can clean the Redis cache of all of your servers at once.

Make use of the syntax.

SYNTAX: ansible all -m command -a ‘/usr/bin/redis-cli flushall’


all: selects all remote hosts in the Ansible inventory file

-m: m is used to designate a module to be executed

-a: It is used to organize the arguments required by the module

This syntax sends a ‘flushall’ command to all servers in the Ansible inventory file.

The above mentioned steps will assist the users in removing the Redis cache using the redis-cli and flush commands.

Why should you clear Redis Cache?

Redis is an open-source in-memory data structure store that may be used as a database, cache, and messaging broker. It provides many discrete actions. Redis’ different data structures are the most similar to the native data structures programmers most frequently utilize within apps and algorithms of the NoSQL databases. Redis data is stored in memory rather than on disc, as is the case with conventional databases.

Applications utilize session state to record user identification, login credentials, customization data, recent activities, shopping cart, and other details. In the main session state, cache data enables the user or application to provide quick responses to users.

Redis Caching is an excellent solution for building a highly accessible in-memory cache to reduce data access latency, boost throughput, and relieve stress on your relational or NoSQL database and applications. Redis caching is commonly used for database query responses caching, persistent session caching, web page caching, and caching of commonly used items, including pictures, documents, and information. Hence, if you’re looking for a blank database to store your new application’s records, clearing it is the best option.


You’ve got a complete overview of Redis cache clearing. To add further, Redis is developed in ANSI C and runs without external dependencies on most POSIX platforms, including Linux, *BSD, and OS X. The two operating platforms where Redis has been most developed and tested are Linux and OS X.

Redis may run on Solaris-based systems such as SmartOS; however, support is limited. Windows builds do not have proper support. If you have further queries regarding it, mention it through the comment box below.

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