What is Network Security? | Definition and Benefits

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By admin

When it comes to network security, you need to keep in mind that it is a wide subject. Network security covers a lot of technologies as well as services and devices. The term network security refers to a set of rules that safeguard the security and accessibility of your internet network. Security for computer networks can include hardware and software technologies and is designed to protect against online threats.
Whatever size your business is, keeping your network secure is one of the many things you need to think about. Today, internet security is more important than ever before. As the number of worldwide users increases, some masterminds join the threats and compromise your internet security. Those vulnerabilities are recognized by hackers, and they use them to ruin your online experience.

Online vulnerabilities can be found in a number of places, including devices, data centres, software, user accounts, and locations, etc. As a part of network security, people have invented various security tools that can protect your online privacy and confidentiality. And since, in a single second, a person can intrude your company’s database, it’s always important to use the latest network security measures to keep your company safe. In this post, we are going to talk about network security—how it works and how it can benefit us.

What is Network Security?

Network security makes sure that your personal or company’s data is safe online from breaches, hackers, and other cyber threats. Network security can refer to hardware and software tools, rules, configurations, accessibility of the network, services, and many other relatable components. And for the record, antivirus, VPN software, network analysis software, firewall, etc., are a part of network security. The whole reason for applying network security is to protect your network from various online threats that can hinder your private and professional life.

No matter how big or small your network is, it is capable of experiencing problems at anytime. You have a responsibility to protect the network from those troubles as a member. Various types of network security tools have been developed over the years to protect your devices and data from attacks.

What are the types of Network Security tools?

There are as many as 14 types of network security tools and techniques that can protect you from online danger.

1. Access Control

A malicious individual or attacker might also be able to cause damage to your network if they have access to it. However, access control technology allows you to authorize a user before they can access your network. It combines multiple authentication techniques that prevent unauthorized access. Nevertheless, before giving access to the authorized users, check to see if they’re not a threat.

2. Antivirus software

Viruses such as malware, trojans, spyware, adware, keyloggers, and other forms can get into your device and infect your existing files and hardware components. They can also slow down your PC’s performance and sell out your private data to third-party services. But antivirus software programs are designed to prevent viruses from entering your device and spreading them to other devices. They can also help you minimize the risk of hardware damage and data theft.

3. Firewalls

Firewalls work like a wall that can secure the connection between the internet and your network. They can manage traffic and can block unauthorized access to your network by blocking them in real-time.

4. VPN security

VPN security or virtual private network is a service that can secure the communication between the network and devices. VPN protection in-network is mostly remote control and uses the IPsec or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technique to block unauthorized traffic on your network. It makes your connection encrypted so that other parties cannot see what you are doing on the device.

5. Anomaly detection

Various VPN services offer anomaly browsing, which won’t let the network operator find out the user activity. But the Network anomaly detection engines (ADE) will help you detect anomalies in your network. When data breaches occur, the engine will alert you about it, and you can respond to it quickly.

6. Email security

Attackers on the internet may be involved in various kinds of phishing activities, and they often insist email users download a certain kind of file that can spread viruses over the network. With email security, an organization can block potential threats and make its network secure.

7. Network segmentation

The internet tends to have various kinds of network traffic, each of which has its own security implications. Network segmentation allows you to allow incoming traffic of the right kind and block traffic that appears suspicious.

8. Web security

There are many tools, hardware, rules, and policies that can make your network more secure. Basically, it is a browser-based security protocol that prevents threats from accessing the network.

9. Wireless security

Wireless networks tend to be more vulnerable than traditional networks, and that’s why it needs a strong security protocol to block away potential threats.

10. Intrusion Prevention Systems

A network intrusion prevention system can detect network threats and packets that are accessing the network. By detecting these threats and packets in time, you can react more quickly to attacks. Intrusion prevention systems also keep a database of recent attacks so that they can detect future attacks more efficiently.

11. Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Sometimes accessing and gathering the right data from many resources becomes difficult when time is less. But SIEM tools provide you with the right data that you need to protect your network and assets.

12. Data Loss Prevention

There can be a weak link between the network and its data center, and that can cause a data leak. The Data Loss Prevention (DLP) standards can prevent users from accidentally or deliberately leaking confidential data out of the network.

13. Application Security

Attackers can easily attack applications and steal user information to misuse them. Applications that have strict security measures can also improve the security of your network.

14. Endpoint Security

Sometimes we use our personal devices to access our remote devices from the office and home simultaneously. But this kind of remote connection often allows attackers to access our network. But endpoint security can add an extra layer in the connection between our personal and professional devices so that security isn’t compromised.

Network security tools and techniques are important for protecting your organization’s network against attackers or hackers. The network security tools work better when you compile multiple techniques to keep your network safe. Multi-layer network security will take care of many important security measures in a little effort. There are two ways this multi-layered security structure works in the network.

How does Network Security work?

Multi Layered network security comes with policies, tools, and technology that are used to defend the network and the boundary. Only an authorized user can access the resources staying in the network, and the malicious attackers or unauthorized people will be blocked away. There are three main types of controls in network security. Technical control, Physical control, and Administrative control.

1. Physical Control

Physical security controls can block unauthorized people from accessing your network components physically. Physical network components refer to routers, devices, cabling cupboards, etc. And the security control measurements are biometrics, locks, voice lock, etc.

2. Technical Control

Technical security controls protect data centers on the network or the communication line from where the data is sent out or received into the network. Technical protection is a two-layered authentication process which blocks unauthorized access and protects the network against illegal activities from users and traffic.

3. Admin Control

Administrative security controls the behavior of the traffic and users of the network. These controls have several policies that determine how a user can be authenticated and other important metrics for securing the network and its environment.

This multi-layered strong security can prevent various types of attacks on your network.

What types of attacks can a Strong Network Security prevent?

There are many types of attacks that can compromise your network’s database and leak confidential information on the internet. But with robust security measures, any types of attacks will be preventable.

1. Virus Attacks

Online virus attacks are the most common type of online attack that happens every second. Virus is a downloadable file or link that replicates another program on your device by changing its code. Once you download a virus on your computer, it can easily infect other files and spread to another device. It can also damage and destroy your network database.

2. Worms Attacks

Worms can consume your bandwidth and slow down your internet speed. At the same time, it has the ability to cut down the performance efficiency of your device. The worm is a type of malware that can work on its own, and unlike viruses, it won’t need a device to stay.

3. Trojan Attacks

A trojan lets malware and other viruses enter your device. Trojans typically come in the form of applications and have the ability to delete your important files, steal information, etc. It can even activate the harmful viruses hidden on your system.

4. Spyware

Spyware gathers information about your organization without your knowledge or permission, and then it sells that info to third parties without your consent.

5. Adware

Adware collects data from your web search histories and then sells that data to the marketing agencies so that they can show personalized advertisements on your social media and other platforms.

6. Ransomware

Ransomware can gain money from your organization’s network by installing itself through encryption. So when you are accessing a web page, especially payment related, it can steal your money. It also blocks access to your user account.

But if you install the best network security for your organization, then you won’t have to deal with any of these malicious attacks.

What are the benefits of Network Security?

It does not matter what size your company is because as long as you have confidential and sensitive data, it will still be vulnerable to hackers. Confidential data can include the personal information of your employees, customers, and company’s rules and policies, etc. You can only secure these data by applying safety protocols.
However, network security is not only for IT sectors or companies. Today, security is compulsory for everyone, including celebrities, lawyers, investment bankers, and more. Therefore, following the right and effective network security protocol is important to keep your private and professional life safe.

A company that protects its customers and employees is more credible and responsible. It is important to protect the data of your business associates so that their privacy is not compromised. A network security solution can serve this purpose effectively.


When you are applying network security for your organizational network, you also need to consider the vulnerabilities that it may come with. Since nothing can be perfect and people are smarter than ever, finding out the weak points of your network can help you work on them to eliminate them gradually.
Network vulnerabilities, including the lack of data encryption, SQL injection, bugs, URL redirection to untrusted sites, weak passwords, authentication errors, missing authorization, unrestricted upload of malicious files, etc., can make your network vulnerable to attackers.
Along with that, Cross-site scripting and forgery, and Buffer overflow can make your network insecure. But with the right security implementations and technologies, you can eliminate these potential errors and build a strong security system.

Various network protocols such as Internet Protocol (IP), Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), etc., add to the security measures for your networks. And they can ensure the safety of data exchange between your organizational network and the web.

Check out our other relevant articles for more information about network security components such as firewalls, internet protocols, etc. Meanwhile, if you have a question about network security, please leave a comment below.

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